Goldston’s Unique Opportunity

The Town of Goldston is uniquely positioned to seize potential investment opportunities and help fund its desired future.

Goldston’s Future

The Engagement Process 

The Town of Goldston has a unique and powerful opportunity to determine its own future. A Community Engagement Process was initiated by Summit Design and Engineering Services to give a voice to Goldston’s residents, allowing Summit to listen to their hopes and concerns.

The engagement process found that the residents of Goldston are proud of their homes and want to maintain their small-town way of life. However, they are aware that the lack of services, and derelict buildings impedes their ideal version of Goldston’s future.

On the other hand, residents intensely desire a robust and vibrant main street. Their vision includes an array of dining and shopping amenities where residents can shop locally and support their neighbors. Further desires include quality parks, open spaces, and a walkable downtown area.  

Residents Say They Want…

A Safe, Small, Friendly, and Quiet Rural Community

A Broader Range of Dining and Retail Options

A Walkable and Welcoming Main Street

To Maintain Their Small Town Way of Life

View The Goldston Public Participation Summary

The Actions You Take Now Will Shape Goldston’s Future

Growth in the Carolina Core

Growth in the Carolina Core

PTI Aerospace Center- Boom Supersonic

Greensboro-Randolph Megasite – Toyota

Chatham-Siler City Advanced Manufacturing Site – Wolfspeed

Triangle Innovation Point

New growth and development are on the horizon in Goldston.

Soon, US Highway 421 will become Interstate 685, opening up rural Chatham County not only to residential development for workers in the Triangle, but the Triad as well.

The Carolina Core currently boasts access to 30+ colleges and a talent pool of 2 million. Recent investment has incentized rapid growth.

These four incoming mega sites, coupled with one of the lowest corporate income taxes in the U.S., will continue to drive both population growth and demand for resources.


Lost Revenue & Missed Opportunities

Site Options

Goldston-Annexed Aggregate Quarry

Non-Annexed Residential Development


  • Generates funds for public welfare and investment by doubling property tax revenue.
  • Will hire 10-15 local individuals to provide financial security for their families.
  • Maintains large buffers of undisturbed, natural space and protects from further development.
  • Regulated by several state environmental agencies.
  • Will not add additional strain to Goldston’s existing sewer infrastructure.
  • Helps maintain rural character.
  • No negative impact on existing home values per independent study.


  • Increased truck traffic to and from quarry site.


  • Addresses Chatham County’s need for regional housing.
  • Increase housing options across income levels and life stages.
  • Expands Goldston population.
  • Brings a suburban feel to Town.


  • Significant increase in everyday traffic.
  • Conflict with nearby farms.
  • Schools will become overcrowded.
  • No property tax contributions.
  • The influx of new people may compromise Goldston’s rural character.
  • County will have control over development; Goldston will have no say.

Site Options

Goldston-Annexed Aggregate Quarry


  • Generates funds for public welfare and investment by doubling property tax revenue.
  • Will hire 10-15 local individuals to provide financial security for their families.
  • Maintains large buffers of undisturbed, natural space and protects from further development.
  • Regulated by several state environmental agencies.
  • Will not add additional strain to Goldston’s existing sewer infrastructure.
  • Helps maintain rural character.
  • No negative impact on existing home values per independent study.


  • Increased truck traffic to and from quarry site.

Non-Annexed Residential Development


  • Addresses Chatham County’s need for regional housing.
  • Increase housing options across income levels and life stages.
  • Expands Goldston population.
  • Brings a suburban feel to Town.


  • Significant increase in everyday traffic.
  • Conflict with nearby farms.
  • Schools will become overcrowded.
  • No property tax contributions.
  • The influx of new people may compromise Goldston’s rural character.
  • County will have control over development; Goldston will have no say.

Economic Benefit 

New Tax Revenues. No Additional Strain on Goldston’s Existing Infrastructure.

With new development occurring throughout the region, Goldston is uniquely positioned to seize potential investment opportunities and help fund its desired future. As a result, the Town Council has an important decision to make. By incorporating the Sunrock site, Goldston can embrace the chance for growth and establish itself as a true destination.

The Town must invest in helping bring about Goldston’s vision of a robust and vibrant main street. Currently, the Town does not generate enough tax revenue to provide the services or implement the land use changes that residents desire. While the projects will help, the Sunrock project has the potential to be the most significant tax revenue generation source for Goldston.  

Goldston does not currently generate enough tax revenue.

New Tax Revenue Generated by the Quarry would allow Goldston to:
  • Maintain existing infrastructure and amenities.
  • Hire much-needed staff to manage day-to-day business.
  • Invest in future infrastructure and amenities.
Icon with hand holding coin

By annexing the Sunrock property nearly 2 miles outside of Town, Goldston would generate more than $61,500 in new property tax revenues annually, nearly doubling the Town’s current revenue. This revenue would be instrumental in allowing the Town to invest in its future by repairing leaky roofs, enhancing existing storefronts, and providing resident-desired amenities.

By annexing the Sunrock property nearly 2 miles outside of Town, Goldston would generate more than $61,500 in new property tax revenues annually, nearly doubling the Town’s current revenue. This revenue would be instrumental in allowing the Town to invest in its future by repairing leaky roofs, enhancing existing storefronts, and providing resident-desired amenities.

Environmental Obligations 

Anticipated Environmental Permits/Approvals Required by Local and State Agencies for Proposed Goldston Quarry:

State Permits:

  • Mining Permit
  • NPDES NCG02 General Stormwater Permit
  • Air Quality Permit
  • NCDOT Driveway Permit

Local Permits:

  • Goldston Special Use Permit
  • Goldston Building Permit
  • Chatham County Watershed Permit

NOTE: Third party consultants will compile various studies and reports to support the application submittals for each of these required permits/approvals

Environmental Obligations 

Anticipated Environmental Permits/Approvals Required by Local and State Agencies for Proposed Goldston Quarry:

State Permits:

  • Mining Permit
  • NPDES NCG02 General Stormwater Permit
  • Air Quality Permit
  • NCDOT Driveway Permit

Local Permits:

  • Goldston Special Use Permit
  • Goldston Building Permit
  • Chatham County Watershed Permit

NOTE: Third party consultants will compile various studies and reports to support the application submittals for each of these required permits/approvals

Share Your Thoughts and Concerns 

Town of Goldston Feedback Form

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